SBR Strategic Business Reportingt (P2)

How to prepare ACCA exam SBR Strategic Business Reporting
  • Tutor SBR Strategic Business Reporting (P2)

    This course is prepared by Liliya Kirilenko. Not only is she a successful student who was the best in her country for P2 – Corporate Reporting (former version of SBR when Liliya was a student), but she also has a vast experience, including being a CFO in a large company. This means she knows how important your time is.
How we approach SBR Strategic Business Reporting (P2)
Are you afraid of Financial Instruments? Don't be, we have very useful summary tables which will help you to memorize tricky parts.

Do you have work and/or life you don't want to sacrifice? Excellent, we are aiming at minimizing your study time by commenting your homework throughout your study so that you don't repeat the same mistakes.
The course is self-sufficient. You don't need to buy any books and do any extra-reading. Instead you will have worksheets with all the theory categorized in useful schemes and you will have video lectures with all the explanations.

The majority of our students save our worksheets and go back to them at their work or when preparing for interviews because this is the fastest and easiest way to refresh IFRS knowledge.

Choose your course

SBR Strategic Business Reporting - 1 year access for online course
1 year access to video lectures on full syllabus and tutor showing how to attempt most important examples from past papers, 60 academic hours
Very handy studentbook in pdf-files to work with video lectures
Hometask and study plan with the list of most useful past papers questions to master
Audio podcasts
Comments to your homework explaining how to improve the answer and tutor support 24/7 through group chat
Marking mock and individual feed back
Live webinars, 8 academic hours
89 EUR + VAT if applicable
179 EUR
249 EUR + VAT if applicable
399 EUR

SBR Strategic Business Reporting - 1 year access for online course
1 year access to video lectures on full syllabus and tutor showing how to attempt most important examples from past papers, 60 academic hours
Very handy studentbook in pdf-files to work with video lectures
Hometask and study plan with the list of most useful past papers questions to master
Audio podcasts
Comments to your homework explaining how to improve the answer and tutor support 24/7 through group chat
Marking mock and individual feed back
Live webinars, 8 academic hours
89 USD + VAT if applicable
179 USD
249 EUR + VAT if applicable
399 EUR
How to enroll to the courses?
There are two ways to pay and enroll. Basic prices are available when paying through our partner Laimoon via this link.
But you could also receive 50% additional discount when pay via direct bank transfer (SWIFT bank details). To proceed bank transfer please fill the invoice request form below.
Not sure? Try it for free!
Register to SBR Strategic Business Reporting free trial lesson 30 days access
Still have a question?
Write us. We will be glad to answer them.
You can ask any question through social networks, by mail or through the site, the teacher will answer it within 24 hours.